Harris Rosen


Just attended an amazing plenary at a tuberculosis conference.  The owner of the Rosen hotel chain in Florida is a remarkable philanthropist.  He likened the desire to success in business a 'gene' that has gone bad but can be turned around.  He has done a great deal through his foundation to help impoverished communities and the latest, Haiti.  With no more than a sketch on a piece of paper, he started a likely revolution in community development with his 'Little Haiti House.'  He plans to roll this out in communities in Haiti at less than $5000/unit: homes that families can buy over a 100 year mortgage with 1% interest.  The money is reinvested in a community bank to help finance micro-credit - this model could be used in many places around the world!

Although the theme of the conference is tuberculosis, Rosen's discussion was moving and shows that one can be corporate and successful yet change the lives of thousands at the same time, providing comfort for the soul.

Check out: http://www.rosenhotels.com/haiti/

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